Whitman Middle School

Middle School


Fundraising at Whitman Middle School

Whitman Middle School PTSA is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports Whitman’s students, families, and staff.

The money we raise each year is used to provide direct support through items such as library books and resources, technology improvements, classroom materials as well as the Curriculum Enrichment Fund (CEF) to help advance the SPS Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP). We also sponsor school-wide community events like our annual potluck, STEAM Nights, and guest speakers. PTSA funds raised this year will provide educational investments that benefit all grade and learning levels at WMS during this school year.

Main Sources of Funds

  1. Annual Giving Campaign (AGC)
  2. Passive Fundraising

Or send your check made out to Whitman PTSA to:  Whitman PTSA/Annual Give, 9201 15th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117

Descriptions of Fundraising Opportunities

Annual Giving Campaign (AGC): Historically the AGC runs during the month of October/November and is the major fundraiser of the year. Dollars raised from the AGC will help fund staff-identified needs throughout the current school year, providing critical support for Whitman programs. Every dollar makes a difference. 

Please visit our AGC website and consider a Annual Giving Campaign (AGC) donation today!

Passive Fundraising: Little effort, great results! Merchants donate funds to support our students when you shop locally and/or online — at places you already visit. Visit our Passive Fundraising page for more details.