Whitman Middle School Clubs!
Whitman MS Student Clubs 24-25
Check back for all of the clubs that will be offered for the School Year 2024-25!
BBESU: Black, Brown, Ethnic, Student Union
Meets: TBD
Advisor: Beverly Harden
Chess Club
New to the game? No problem. Coach David is ready to teach anyone from the basics to more advanced strategy. This club is all about having fun and improving.
When: Tuesdays from 3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m. Nov. 12, 19, 26 & Dec. 3, 10 & 17
Where: In the Library
Teacher Host: Mr. Hirschowitz
Dungeons & Dragons Club
Are you a D&D GURU or aspiring to become one? We’ve got the dungeon (and maybe some dragons), but we’re on the hunt for a Dungeon Master to help lead our epic adventures!
When: Tentatively Thursdays – Let’s make this happen!
Teacher Host: Ms. Dunnett, an experienced and passionate teacher, would love to help form the club. But we need YOU to bring the magic!
If you’re interested in helping run the club, whether as a master storyteller or eager player, join us on this adventure! Contact Ms. Dunnett at
Robotics Club & STEM Lab
Mr. Shigenaka and the STEM Lab are proud to host the Whitman Robotics Club for the second year running! This season, the competition game is called High Stakes and involves an exciting battle to move rings around the arena and claim ring stands for points. As always, the skills-based challenge ends with having the robots climb to the highest possible levels of a tower.
Meets: Tuesdays After School from 4 – 5 p.m. (Oct. 1)
Advisor: Mr. Shigenaka;
Our club will meet on Tuesdays after school from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. except during holiday breaks. Our first session will be October 1. With many returning members this year, we are hopeful that our teams will be able to compete in at least one of the regional events as we get closer to the spring!
We are reaching out to parents to ask for help with snacks for Robotics Club – last year, with some help from families, Mr. Shigenaka was able to provide a snack to all students who participated. If you would like to donate snacks that are compatible with a computer lab (such as chewy granola bars), Mr. Shigenaka will be very grateful for your support! Please feel free to reach out to him with any questions at Thank you!
Meets: TBD
Teacher/Advisor: Ms. Gunn;‘
W.E.B. (Where Everyone Belongs)
Meets: On occasion in Room 11
Teacher/Advisors: Ms. Pavach,, Ms. Trent;, Mr. Shorb;
At Whitman, ASB is the umbrella organization for our W.E.B, Leadership group, Clubs and School Events/Assemblies. Student officers are elected in January of each year and these officers will be asked to represent and be a voice of the student body. They are responsible for helping to build a positive school culture and climate.

Performing Arts at Whitman (PAW)
PAW is a PTSA sponsored after school activity/group. Kelly Germann is the Director and Coordinator, but the students run the rest of the productions! We are excited to welcome all students who are interested in acting, marketing, stage crew, set design, costume design, lighting and sound. We have more jobs for students to take on this year! Visit the Performing Arts of Whitman (PAW) for more information about the program.
Sign Up Info For Choir & Drum Line
- Students Not enrolled in band or orchestra: Sign Up Form if NOT in Band or Orchestra.
- Students enrolled in band or orchestra will sign up on the annual music registration form on the FOWM website.
The $20 club fee helps supplement the cost of instruction, materials, piano tuning, and more. Scholarships are available thanks to Friends of Whitman Music.
Choir: The club leader, Ms. Karen Lee, is an experienced choir director with the Issaquah School District and has many years of experience working with middle school students.
Choir will perform on the Whitman Music Concerts, with the first performance on December 12. Students who are unable to make this performance are still welcome to participate in the club if they would like, as there may be an opportunity to perform during school as well.
Meets: Mondays until 4:50 p.m. (starts 9/23)
Teacher/Advisor: Ms. Gunn;
Drum Line

Drum Line is a club for students of all grades and musical experiences. Students learn drums in a fun, community environment. We perform at parades and school events throughout the year.
Drum Line: We will have more performances lined up this year and will have two separate “lines” that will meet at the same time. Both lines will be assisted by two Ingraham High School Drumline members.
A-Line will be by audition, led by Kevin Emerson, and focus on advancing technique, ensemble playing/balance, and have higher performance expectations. Students will be assigned to an instrument that they will specialize in.
B-Line is open to all levels, led by Melanie Gunn, and will focus on fundamentals and gaining experience on all the drumline instruments.
Meets: Thursdays until 5 p.m. (starts 9/26)
Teacher/Advisor: Ms. Gunn;