Whitman Middle School

Middle School
Elective Course Registration

7th & 8th Grade Elective Descriptions

Elective Descriptions 2025-26

Math Update

  • Next year 7th graders will have the choice of taking Math 7 or Math 7/8 Compacted (refer to course descriptions below). Please make your choice when you register online.
    • Mathematics 7 Students develop understanding of operations with rational numbers and proportional relationships; apply proportional relationships; and work with expressions.
    • Math 7/8 Compacted Prepares 7th grade students to take Algebra 1 in 8th by compacting the content of Math 7 and Math 8 into one year. Students develop understanding of operations with rational numbers and proportional relationships; apply proportional relationships; work with irrational numbers, radicals and integer exponents; and work with expressions, linear equations and inequalities. Only open to 7th grade students.
  • Next year 8th graders can take 2 math classes, Math 8 & Algebra 1 (refer to course descriptions below) If you opt to take 2 math classes, you will lose an elective. If you want to add a second math class, please email Assistant Principal, Leanne Dunlap; lmdunlap@seattleschools.org
    • Mathematics 8 Students will reason about expressions and equations, including modeling bivariate data and solving linear equations; use functions to describe quantitative relationships; and work with irrational numbers, radicals and integer exponents.
    • Algebra 1 Students model and analyze real-world and mathematical situations using linear and exponential equations and functions. Students will receive high school credit on their transcript for this course.

7th Grade Fine Arts Update

One (1) semester of a Fine Arts course is required per Washington State mandate (Senate Bill 5878). The minimum is one semester, and you will notice some classes that fill the requirement last for a full year (these are referred to as yearlong electives). Available Fine Arts classes are any yearlong music class, semester-long art class or the semester course called Gateways DM. If you choose a yearlong elective to meet your Fine Art requirement, then you will only need to choose one additional elective. Elective descriptions follow below.

Yearlong Courses 2025-26


Introductory Band Welcome to Introductory Band! This course is for students who want to learn a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument such as flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, snare drum, and more. Come join a welcoming community committed to building lasting relationships where all learners succeed. You will learn instrumental technique, musicianship, and perform many styles of music. No previous experience necessary. All students are welcome. This course may be repeated. This is a yearlong course.

Intermediate Band This course is open to students with prior musical experience. Students will improve technique on their instruments and learn to play as an ensemble, follow a conductor, and learn several exciting, diverse pieces of music. Band instruments are flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn, baritone, tuba, and percussion. Piano and guitar are not in band, however, students with that experience are welcome to learn a band instrument to participate. Admission is by audition, teacher approval, or completion of Introductory Band. This is a yearlong course.

Concert Band This ensemble requires successful completion of Intermediate Band or its equivalent. Students will expand their knowledge and skills through instrumental technique and literature as well as explore more advanced concepts of ensemble playing. There will be three school concerts as well as other festivals and performances outside of school. Travel will be required. Admission is by audition or teacher approval. Admission is by audition or teacher approval. This is a yearlong course.

Introductory Orchestra Discover the expressive world of string instruments! Introductory Orchestra is for students who want to learn the violin, viola, cello, or string bass. Come join a welcoming community set on building lasting relationships where all learners succeed. You will learn different skills on your instrument through exciting styles of orchestra music. No previous experience necessary. All students are welcome. This course may be repeated. This is a yearlong course.

Concert Orchestra This course is for students who have successfully completed Introductory Orchestra, or who demonstrate the required skills in an audition. Students will expand their knowledge and skills through instrumental technique and literature and will explore more advanced concepts of ensemble playing. Students will continue to improve on their instrumental skills through increased difficulty of repertoire. 8th grade students will also focus on preparing to succeed in a high school level ensemble. Admission is by audition, teacher approval, or completion of Introductory Orchestra. This is a yearlong course.

World Language

Spanish 1 Open to 7th and 8th graders. This course undertakes the study of basic structures that allow students to express themselves in simple sentences. Cultural enrichment is offered to students through videos, current events, readings, photographs, and projects. This course not only aims to teach students to understand, speak, read, and write Spanish at a basic level, but also to interest them in the life and culture of Spanish-speaking people. This one-year middle school course is equivalent to one year of high school Spanish 1. This is a yearlong course.

Spanish 2 Students must have successfully completed Spanish 1A & 1B or have had previous experience with Spanish (at teacher’s discretion). This course prepares students for continued high school language study and ultimately college and career through a carefully constructed course of study to build language and culture proficiency. The course leads students to further develop a global perspective while learning to communicate with people of the Spanish-speaking world and discuss historical and philosophical backgrounds that have influenced the perspectives of people of the Spanish-speaking world. This one-year middle school course is equivalent to one year of high school Spanish 2. This is a yearlong course.

Semester Courses 2025-26

The Arts

Ceramics Beginning and Advanced Prior ceramics class not necessary. Express yourself while experimenting with beginning and advanced hand building techniques and possibly “throwing” clay on the pottery wheel. Explore, design, and refine how you add color and detail to your creations. Use your experiences and knowledge to celebrate and communicate your ideas, unique perspective, and culture through your art. Collaborate with others while managing the studio and caring for materials, tools, and equipment. This is a one semester course offered first semester only.

Visual Arts Beginning and Advanced Grow your creativity and artistic skills while expressing yourself in Visual Art! Prior visual arts class not necessary. Reflect on life experiences, community, and culture while creating individual and group projects that empower you to communicate your ideas, feelings, and unique perspective. Expand your understandings of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design by creating 2D and 3D projects that may involve drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, clay, and paper mâché. This is a one semester course offered second semester only.

Other Electives

Gateways DM This is a new version of our Design and Modeling curriculum, designed to provide students with a Fine Arts credit with a focus on media arts. We will learn about the engineering design process, precise measurement, and 3D modeling and printing. We will focus on a professional CAD software package called Autodesk Fusion, giving students exposure to a real-world tool used by professionals every day. This is a one semester course.

STEM Innovation Lab Students will learn how science, technology, engineering and math are applied to projects dealing with digital citizenship, lab/tool safety, basic computer science/programming concepts, basic computer hardware/software knowledge, use of digital tools, image and video editing applications, simple circuits, circuits with microcontrollers, robotics, 3D modeling/printing, and emerging careers in technology. This is a one semester course.

Student Government Student leaders, elected and appointed, meet regularly to set standards, encourage student participation in school activities, enhance school environment, both physical and academic, and to provide leadership for the student body. Students will Plan Events such as dances, lunch activities and pride store, Have a Voice regarding school policies, fundraisers and student budget, Build Confidence by speaking in public, leading others and learning organization and task completion. This is a one semester course.

Walking PE Class Yes, just walking! Non-competitive physical education activity to stress fun and fitness. Students will walk a new course each day where they can walk and talk with their friends, listen to music, and dress for PE or wear your own clothes. Please note this class is titled ALTERN ACTIVITIES online. This is a one semester course.

Yearbook Students will learn the basics of photography and design layout/composition while working on school yearbook. Depending on the teacher, during yearbook downtime/after completion, students could also learn the basics of news writing and contribute articles to an online newspaper. Students could also learn to script, produce and edit podcasts using GarageBand.

Physical Education

Important PE Program Note: 7th & 8th Grade Students are automatically assigned PE for 1 semester a year.

Physical Education This program provides each student with the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive program consisting of skill development, lead up games, team sports, and physical fitness activities. The students receive instruction in skills, rules and strategies associated with the different sports and games as well as learning experiences involving physical conditioning activities, and the components of fitness. The program promotes the spirit of cooperation, leadership, fair play, and friendly competition. Students will automatically be assigned to Physical Education. This is a one semester course.

Important Reminders

  • All students MUST select Alternate Electives. Placements are not guaranteed because of class sizes, teacher availability and budget constraints. 
  • Alternates must be different from your primary requests. Duplicate requests can cause an error and will delete both the primary and alternative requests

If you have questions about the online form or registration process, please contact the school registrar Elaine Llandover: elllandover@seattleschools.org or 206-252-1208.

As of March 5, 2025