Good Attendance Matters at Whitman MS

Please send an email to the Whitman MS Attendance Specialist; Kelli Derrig at: or call 206-252-1204 to alert us of your student’s absence as soon as possible. Include your student’s FULL name and the reason for the absence.
- Early Release: For an early release, come to the office to sign your student out (bring photo ID).
- Advance notice is strongly recommended. Please call or email the attendance office with the student’s FULL name, time to be picked up, reason for early release, and who will be picking them up. We will then issue an Early Dismissal pass for your student to be excused from class and meet you in the office.
- Planned Absence: For a planned absence for 2+ days please complete a Planned Absence Form a minimum of 3 days before the dates in question. Use a separate form for each student.
Whitman Middle School is committed to having every student share in the full experience of learning. Thank you for helping your student attend class every day! Our average daily attendance rate is 96% because of your support!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I report an absence, late arrival or early release for my student?
A: Parents/Guardians can email or call an attendance change: or call 206-252-1204.
Q: For early release, where do I meet my student?
A: Come into the office to sign your student out. Please bring Picture ID.
Q: What if my student was in class and marked absent?
A: Speak to the teacher to clear the mistake; parents cannot clear/excuse an absence.The teacher can send attendance an email and it will be updated.
Q: What if your student is feeling sick at school and wants to go home?
A: Students are encouraged to see the nurse. If your student calls you directly, please suggest they see the nurse first. The nurse will be in touch if the student needs to go home.
Q: What if my student has recurring medical appointments and needs to leave the same time, same day, each week?
A: Turn in a Recurring Absence Form (also available from Attendance) with the information; turn in each semester.
Q: When is it too late to excuse an absence?
A: Important: You now have two (2) days to update attendance from the date of absence. This is a recent update.
Q: What if students are late to class, leave early, or go to the bathroom and stay too long?
A: The teacher may mark that the student left early or was absent and it can stay unexcused. If students miss more than 10 minutes of class, they are technically absent.