Whitman MS Staff Caught Being Awesome & PTSA Award Winners 23-24!
Summary : Congratulations!

Whitman Middle School Staff Nominated For Above & Beyond & PTSA Award Winners!
Our 2023-24 Whitman PTSA Award Winners
We are excited to announce our 2023-24 Whitman PTSA Award Winners! Please read read the list in the PTSA Newsletter of all the incredible people who worked tirelessly for our school and students!
Golden Acorn Awards
Golden Acorn Awards are presented to the Whitman school or community volunteer/s in recognition of their dedication and service to children and youth. Since the beginning of this program in the 1930s, more than 54,000 Golden Acorn Awards have been presented to volunteers throughout Washington state. Recipients receive a certificate and pin, and a contribution is made in their name to the WSPTA Scholarship Program that benefits students. This year, Whitman PTSA recognizes two individuals!
Mykcal Gilge: Mykcal has organized and kept the hall crew communication going throughout the school year. She’s been an exceptional communicator and leader for this task and our community is grateful. Mykcal has been an incredible champion of students, teachers, and community.
Ali Schlameus: Ali has led our PTSA Staff Appreciation team. She has encouraged the PTSA’s dedication to bettering the teacher and staff experience at Whitman Middle School, and by helping to focus on teacher experiences, Ali has made our community school better. This aspect of the wellbeing of our community is often lost. Since covid struck, we have fortunately started to recognize that all families need support and recognition. Ali has broadened our recognition of the Whitman Staff bringing the fun “Caught Being Awesome” award to the school, and generally, advocating for recognition of how hard the adults in our building work and how much they care about our students.
Outstanding Advocate Award
The Outstanding Advocate Award was established in 2004 to recognize individuals for their advocacy and commitment in helping to create strong policies relating to the health, welfare, safety and education of children and youth. Recipients receive a certificate and pin, and a contribution is made in their name to the WSPTA Scholarship Program that benefits students. This year, Whitman PTSA recognizes two individuals!
Tonia Galindo: Tonia has been a dedicated PTSA volunteer at Whitman Middle School for the past nine years, showing unwavering support in numerous capacities. As the mother of three boys who all attended Whitman, she has consistently been the quiet, steadfast force behind many initiatives, bringing a wise perspective that benefits the entire community. Her contributions include volunteering as a hall crew member, co-leading the equity committee, welcoming new families, advocating for the school’s name change, raising awareness about navigating the complex special education system, and educating students, staff, and parents about Native American history and current-day issues. Tonia has also been instrumental in coordinating multicultural night and strengthening connections between district leaders and Whitman Middle School. She has been a fierce advocate for BIPOC and Native American families, championing equity with a no-nonsense approach. As a liaison to the SPS Indian Parent Advisory Committee, she has shared her personal experiences with special education and the services provided by SPS. Whitman has been incredibly fortunate to have Tonia’s consistent dedication, and her tireless efforts to improve the school community make her deserving of recognition as our Outstanding Advocate for 2023-24.
Pam Hartman: Pam is the biggest advocate for not only her ML students but for all students. She goes above and beyond as a teacher leader, working with the MTSS team to ensure that all students are accessing additional supports and teachers feel supported. She is always coming from a teacher-first and student-first perspective. When it comes to her ML students, she takes extra time to ensure they are succeeding academically, but also to ensure they and their families are feeling supported in the Whitman community. Pam is recognized as one of our Outstanding Advocates for 2023-24.
Kelly Germann: Kelly was one of the parent volunteers who spearheaded the formation of our Performing Arts of Whitman (PAW) theater program. She initiated the club, took it online during covid, brought it back to live performances, worked tirelessly to address sound and lighting issues in our auditorium, and has stayed on to help the program live well past the time when most parents move on to high school with their kid. Kelly has written a grant to help pay for a director, promoted the club for incoming students and basically has been fearless about finding solutions to any and all program issues. This once small theater club of 10-12 members now has over 60 students who work on sets, costuming, props, lighting and sound in addition to acting and singing. She deserves Honorary Life Membership for her persistence and stamina in support of Whitman Middle School Arts.
Outstanding Educator Award
The Outstanding Educator Award is presented to individuals who have made significant contributions in our Whitman community to enhance the educational outcomes of all children or youth. An educator is not limited to a teacher and may be defined as a teacher, assistant, specialist, support staff, administrator or community member. Recipients receive a certificate and pin, and a contribution is made in their name to the WSPTA Scholarship Program that benefits students. This year, Whitman PTSA recognizes three incredible educators:
Keith Welch: Mr. Welch has sparked a new level of love for math in my 7th grader. He is excelling in a way I’ve never seen before and I truly believe it’s because of Mr. Welch’s own love for math. He connects with the kids in a fun and meaningful way, supports them through the ups and downs of middle school math, and communicates often and thoroughly with both his students and their parents. He is much deserving of this award! “Thank you Mr. Welch for all you do for our kiddos!”
Katie Storrs: Profe’ Storrs has been an excellent teacher to my kiddo this year. She’s so very patient and kind to all her students. My kiddo comes home and tells me all about the awesome “outside the box” learning activities they do in Spanish class to make understanding the language fun and attainable. I love seeing Profe’ Storrs in the hall whenever I’m there as she ALWAYS has a smile on her face and a kind words to say. She’s an excellent ray of sunshine to the school, to her students, and to my kiddo. She is very deserving of this award.
Ryan Koreski: Ryan is an instructional assistant who is universally loved. He primarily works with students with a variety of special needs, but he builds relationships will all students. Ryan builds community, confidence and empathy and is an all-round outstanding educator.
Honorary Life Membership Award
The Honorary Life Membership Award recognizes an individual who has contributed significantly to the development, growth, and sustainability of Whitman PTSA. It is awarded to someone who has shown extraordinary commitment to the PTSA’s vision and mission. Recipients receive a certificate and pin, and a contribution is made in their name to the WSPTA Scholarship Program that benefits students.
Caught Being Awesome
June 2024 Mr. Shigenaka!
Last June, we recognized a staff member that might not to be so easy to find. This staff member is “sequestered to a STEM corner,” but has branched outside of his bubble to help and connect with other staff members. He serves as the staff’s tech trainer and sometimes unofficial tech support for quick questions which is very seen and appreciated.
His class really gets students thinking creatively and we hear from kids that they love his class and from parents saying they’d love taking his class if they could! He is a supportive colleague and will speak his mind articulately when asked for his opinion and his experience is helpful in our building. The electives team loves him and think he adds a lot to enhance the educational experience of our students!
Caught Being Awesome
For May we want to recognize a true fan favorite. This person impacts the vibe at Whitman each and every day.
His addition to the culture has been noticed by staff, parents and students who love to be around him… and how could you not – he is part of ASB, WEB and yearbook, he dresses up as the Wildcat, keeps the music pumping on the traveling speaker and shows up before school nice and early and stays late to keep the fun wagon rolling.
He has a reputation for going the extra mile at events to help document the school year, keep morale up and teach students in an engaging way. From the first day of school to the last, he is such an active participant in making Whitman a fun and exciting school for our students. He has so willingly offered his help and deserves a Caught Being Awesome Award.
Let’s give a hand to this fun magnet … he’s not just an ELA and Yearbook Teacher… he’s this month’s Caught Being Awesome Winner… Mr. Shorb!
Melanie Gunn Caught Being Awesome: April 2024!
For April we want to recognize someone that has raised a lot of money for the program she spearheads while making a big impact in our community. Her ability to manage so many students while keeping things fun and providing the right balance between learning and sparking passion is something that has not gone unnoticed. She has cultivated a program that has created a community within a supportive culture. One that gives our kids a chance to work together, practice skills, develop self-confidence, and spark their creativity.
Parents say she, “recognizes and helps foster strengths and interests, and several of her students were recognized at the state level this year. On top of teaching, she’s also a fundraiser, applying for grants and organizing drives and bake sales to help fill in the financial gaps that arts programs face.“
Let’s give a hand to this musical master … our very own Music and Orchestra Teacher, Ms. Gunn! We’d like to present this prestigious award to Ms. Gunn to keep proudly in perpetuity.
Assistant Principal Ms. Dunlap Caught Being Awesome!
For the month of March 2024 we want to recognize someone that, whether you know it or not, impacts each and every student and family at our school.
This person was recognized by both staff and parents as she “helps everyone with her very positive vibe all of the time.” This person is “reliable and really steps into her role”. They know how to improve processes making for a positive impact on our school culture. This person is timely and dependable on actionable tasks.
Families describe this person as having the “patience and understanding of a saint even when it’s hard.”
Let’s give a hand to this leader of the pack … our very own Assistant Principal, Ms. Dunlap! We’d like to present this prestigious award to Ms. Dunlap to keep proudly in perpetuity.
February Breaking News: Ms. Ho is Awesome!
This month, we want to recognize someone that has made a big impact on Whitman staff and students. This person is a quiet go-getter that has great relationships with students and staff alike. Their peers go to this teacher for advice year in and year out.
Parents gush over this teacher’s kindness and ability to find the positive in their students. Her valuable and uplifting perspective encourages students to be successful in her environment. Her impact on students stands out for parents and students as a memorable part of their Whitman journey. This teacher’s kindness, marked by an extraordinary level of compassion, make her truly awesome!
Let’s give a hand to this Wildcat Wonder … MS. HO! We’d like to present this prestigious award to Ms. Ho to keep proudly in perpetuity.
January Caught Being Awesome: Ms. Ward
For the of January 2024 we want to recognize someone that is admired by her peers, her students and their caregivers. Over and over her fellow staff members describe her as refreshingly positive, organized, helpful and effective.
She focuses on helping students through making her curriculum accessible and engaging. Parents of her students gush about her ability to create a warm and welcoming learning environment. Her ability to make her students feel safe and successful has lent to a strong community. All while being fun and connecting with each life she touches. Let’s give a hand to this Wildcat Wonder! Thank you Ms. Ward!
November Whitman Staff Caught Being Awesome!
For November we want to recognize one of those teachers that kids gravitate towards. They are cool and approachable. This teacher wins over families with their consistent communication… and the students with their thought and creativity.
One parent wrote: “he encourages students to think critically about history and how it relates to current events. Plus, he appears to really enjoy middle schoolers! It’s wonderful to know that your child is spending time with adults who like them”
From another parent: “Mr. Cunningham has been fantastic this year teaching 8th grade U.S. History. His communication with parents is excellent – I’ve really enjoyed learning about what the kids are doing each week in class, which has allowed me to have more meaningful conversations with my student about what he is experiencing in class. My son also regularly lets me know that Mr. Cunningham is preparing them for high school, discussing strategies for feeling at home in a big high school and introducing ideas in a way that gets more reception than when it is coming from mom. Thank you Mr. Cunningham for all you do for our Whitman Wildcats!“
Let’s give a hand to a Wildcat favorite… MR. CUNNINGHAM! We’d like to present this prestigious award to Mr. Cunningham to keep proudly in perpetuity.
October Whitman Staff Caught Being Awesome!
For October we had TWENTY THREE nominations for the “Caught Being Awesome” Award, but one special staff member was mentioned over, and over, and over, and over and over by her peers.
This month’s “Caught You Being Awesome Award” goes to MS. TRENT!
Ms. Trent doesn’t just “do her job”, she donates countless hours to the students in the building.
She is raising leaders in our community through her devotion to the ASB & WEB programs and she does it all while walking all over campus launching the new Walking PE Program. Congratulations and thank you for all you do!
Nominate a Wildcat Staff Member Today!
Please take a few seconds to nominate a Staff Member of Whitman Middle School that you feel like deserves some recognition for being awesome and tell us why! This could be a staff member who is widely known, or someone behind the scenes. They could’ve done something to shine in one small moment, or continued to impress all year long. Anything goes! The winner each month will be surprised with a TROPHY and celebrated at an upcoming School Assembly.