Passive Fundraising
Passive Fundraising
In addition to the Annual Giving Campaign (AGC), you can support Whitman by joining us in Passive Fundraising throughout the school year. These programs give a percentage of sales back to our school at no additional cost to you.
When you spend as you normally would at participating companies, you are helping Whitman students with every shopping trip – and the more people who sign up for these programs, the more significant the benefit to Whitman.
Fred Meyer Community Rewards

Visit Fred Meyer Community Rewards to link a FM Rewards card to “Whitman Middle School PTSA” (#82837). Quarterly donation to Whitman based on accumulated spending of linked Rewards customers. Customers still earn rewards points as usual.
Box Tops
Clip the Box Tops logo and turn in to the main office. 10 cents per box top goes to Whitman. To see participating products, at Box Top Education.
Questions? Contact the Whitman PTSA Fundraising team at