Whitman Middle School

Middle School

Policy Information

Usually six! If students are reliable and prompt returners, then I often let them check out more. If students are less reliable, I will occasionally restrict a record to a number lower than six. I never deny a student a book, even with an overdue item.

Overdue materials become “lost” after 90 days. At that point, a fine for the replacement cost of the book is issued. Households can then:

  • Pay for the book via credit card in Schoolpay (accessed from the Source)
  • Purchase and bring in a replacement of exact same title and type (example – hardback book for hardback book)
  • Ask for a fine to be waived. Students can “read to waive” or households can contact our fiscal specialist directly about waivers.

If a book is paid for and then later found, you have the right to a refund and a refund will appear on your account as a dollar amount in parentheses (for example (15.00)). Reach out to Ms Johnson if you would like to initiate a refund procedure.

Our most important time for “settling accounts” is when students exit Whitman in 8th grade. We like our students to start high school with a clean slate to avoid graduation restrictions!

School librarians are specifically trained in collection development. Our preparatory programs train us to use common criteria in assessing a text for selection, considering multiple factors.

In compliance with Superintendent Procedure 2021SP library materials will be selected for Whitman Middle School with the following criteria in mind:

  1. Meets the informational and interest needs of students.
  2. Appropriateness for recommended level (middle grade and YA, ages 11-14, and staff).
  3. Includes a variety of formats.
  4. Earns favorable reviews in professional review sources and favorable recommendations based on preview and examination of materials by library media professionals.  Professional review sources include: YALSA, Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Kirkus, School Library Journal, Hornbook, State and National Book Award Lists
  5. Assessed for currency of information as related to content and purpose with consideration of a recent copyright date as appropriate to the subject.
  6. Provides a global perspective and promotes diversity as a positive attribute of our society.
  7. Represents differing viewpoints providing students access to a variety of resources to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.