Whitman Middle School

Middle School

Incoming Grade 6 Families

Incoming Students & Families
Open House Jan. 30

Join Us!

The Whitman Middle School Open House is on Thursday, January 30, 2025 from 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. for incoming 6th Graders for the 2025-26 School Year.

Parents/Guardians and Students are all welcome to attend!

WMS Open House Schedule

  • 5:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. Special Education presentation in the auditorium
  • 5:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. Parents can browse the information tables outside the auditorium
  • 6 p.m. Principal & PTSA presentation in the auditorium then student lead tours of the school

Parents/Guardians and Students are all welcome to attend!

Whitman MS Overview

Whitman Middle School serves over 600, ethnically diverse, middle school students in northwest Seattle. We take pride in our dedicated staff, academic achievements, successful extra-curricular programs and an active and involved PTSA.

At Whitman, the goal is to help every child reach their potential by providing challenging curriculum in an environment where every child feels safe and also to help each child develop pride in self and community: Whitman pride. We unapologetically prioritize our students furthest from educational justice in alignment with our district’s strategic plan: Seattle Excellence

Whitman Wildcats achieve and grow in a safe, culturally responsive learning environment with a culture of collaboration, equity and academic excellence.

Whitman MS FAQ & SPS School Choice Info

Key Dates

  • January 2 New registrations for 2024-25 school year begins.
  • February 1 – February 29 Open Enrollment School Choice priority applications will be accepted (tiebreakers apply).
  • March 1 – May 31 School Choice late applications will be accepted (NOT eligible for tiebreakers).

April 16 Open Enrollment results will be available online.

June 3 – August 31 Non-resident applications will be accepted.

August 31 Waitlists for the 2024-25 school year will dissolve.


What does a typical 6th grade class schedule look like?
A typical 6th grade schedule at Whitman MS includes 6 classes. Refer to the Incoming Course Registration for more details.

  • Math, English Language Arts (ELA), History, Science, PE, and Other Elective

What course electives are available at Whitman Middle School?

Visit the Course Registration page for more details by grade level.

Elective course offerings change may change annually based on enrollment, staffing and interest.  World Language courses, which are available for high school credit, are available district wide for students in 7th and 8th grade.

Why are World Language courses only available to 7th and 8th grade students?
World Language course offerings are available as electives for middle school students and are available each year based on enrollment, interest and staffing. WMS offers a one-year Spanish 1A & 1B class to earn high school credit, based on current enrollment funding. The SPS World Language department is currently in the process of evaluating how to strengthen the pathway from middle to high school world language programs so that students can begin a language in middle school and continue it in high school at an appropriate, challenging level. For more information about middle school course offerings at SPS, please see the SPS World Language page

What is the Associate Student Body (ASB)?
ASB is a formal organization for students run by students. Student officers are elected in January of each year and these officers are asked to represent and be a voice of the student body. They work alongside the ASB Advisors (Mr. B and Mr. Hernandez), Principal Posten, Assistant Principal Cable, school staff and other student leaders. Students in 7th and 8th grade are eligible to run for office and students in 6th grade can be representatives for their 6th grade class. Student officers are responsible for helping to build a positive school culture and climate, creating and planning Tier 1 school wide activities and school events that are focused on equality and are inclusive to all.

Does Whitman MS offer Social Emotional Learning for students?
Whitman MS Staff support students’ social-emotional learning through an Advisory class, which meets weekly.  During Advisory class, students participate in activities and lessons that promote community-building, self-reflection, and self-regulation strategies. The curriculum used to teach these lessons and activities are from the district approved Character Strong program.  In addition, our staff implements the district supported social-emotional learning framework that engages students and staff in Welcoming Routines, Engaging Practices, and Optimistic Closures throughout each of their classes. The WMS administration team works with our school’s Instructional Council, staff Racial Equity Team, Building Leadership team and our ASB team to track student data.  These teams collaborate and analyze data trends, use our racial equity tools to make informed decisions, and implement updated and anti-racist practices. This is an ongoing process and more information can be found on our Racial Equity web page.

What sports are available at Whitman MS?
Whitman has several sports options for students. When we return to in-person learning, the following sports are typically offered at Whitman: 

  • Fall Sports – Ultimate Frisbee (co-ed) and Girls’ Varsity and Junior Varsity Soccer 
  • Winter Sports – Boys’ Basketball and Girls’ Basketball  (Both have Varsity and Junior Varsity Teams)
  • Spring Sports – Varsity and Junior Varsity Girls’ Volleyball, Boys’ Varsity and Junior Varsity Soccer, Track (Co-Ed)

All 6th graders that try out for a team must have a physical on file.

Does each student have the same lunch time at Whitman Middle School?
In a typical year, there are two lunch periods at Whitman MS. Students eat in the cafeteria or outside in the courtyard when it is open. During lunch, students also go outside at designated times and in supervised locations. 

Do you have Clubs at Whitman MS?
Visit our Clubs page for information about our student clubs at Whitman Middle School.

SPS Enrollment 23-24

School Choice and Open Enrollment Dates

Feb 1 – Feb 28 Open Enrollment School Choice applications accepted.
March 1 – May 31 School Choice late applications accepted.
April 18 Open Enrollment School Choice results will be available online.

School Choice Process

If you are interested in having your student attend a school that is not their assigned school next year, please submit a School Choice form. Choice forms are available through Source and at the John Stanford Center. Applications received by Feb. 28 will receive priority. SPS will continue to accept School Choice forms until May 31. These applications are prioritized based on the date the application is received.  If there are more applications than seats available for a particular school and grade, then certain tiebreakers are used to determine assignment and waitlist status. 

Visit the district School Choice and Open Enrollment page for the School Year 23-24 and the most current date and enrollment information.

SPS Enrollment and School Choice Timeline and Process

Visit the SPS Enrollment page for more details and dates about enrollment. Also visit the SPS School Choice for deadlines and process.

Quick Link Resources

Our Counseling Team

Cheryl Fraley
Head Counselor (All Grades)

Leti Bravo

Kerri Anderson
Prevention Intervention Specialist


Wendy Walcoff, MSW, LSWIAC
School Social Worke
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday half-day

The quickest way to contact us is email. Please let us know how we can support you and your student(s). Visit our Counseling page to learn more about the Counseling Team!

Join our Whitman PTSA

Our Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is active and strong.  Get connected to our PTSA Newsletter, Facebook pages and other important information by checking out the Whitman PTSA page.  Volunteers are always needed and appreciated through the PTSA. 

In partnership with the PTSA and our Whitman Admin team, there is also an active Whitman Equity Team run by a group of Whitman families.  More information about the Whitman Equity team can be found on our Whitman Racial Equity page.